Factorio’s Early Access: Four New Planets in the Space Age

The $35.00 expansion pack for Factorio: Space Age is scheduled to ship on October 21st, and numerous content producers have shared their early access experiences.

With the addition of space platforms, players can now control a fleet of floating factories that operate as vital hubs for interplanetary travel.

Four new planets are available for players to visit: Gleba, Fulgora, Vulcanus, and Aquilo. Each world has unique rewards and difficulties.

In the well-known simulation game Factorio, users construct and oversee intricate factories on an extraterrestrial world while streamlining production lines.

Following rocket launches into space and exploration of vast uncharted territory, the player’s quest is continued in the new Space Age expansion

Fantastic New Space Age Content in Factorio

Gamers can explore new planets with distinctive obstacles and take advantage of their fresh resources to develop their technological capabilities.

Space platforms are the initial step toward space exploration and the foundation of planetary logistics.

They serve as the method of transportation between worlds and are basically flying factories.

When oncoming asteroids threaten to destroy your platform, players can construct fortifications to shoot them down.

Including New Planets for Exploration

There are four new worlds to explore in the expansion pack, each with its own challenges and rewards.

Using space platforms, players can visit the worlds of Gleba, Fulgora, Vulcanus, and Aquilo.

With its towering geological formations, ash-covered plains, and dense yellow sulfuric fog, Vulcanus is a fiery volcanic peak.

Holmium’s advanced electromagnetic and superconducting abilities can be unlocked on the chilly, arid, and dismal realm of Fulgora.

In contrast, Gleba boasts a colorful, swampy terrain covered in a light mist.

In addition to using Agriculture Towers to grow and gather their crops, players can find unusual plants.

The sun is brighter and bigger than the stars at Aquilo, and you can also hardly feel its warm nature.

Factorio: Space Age Expansion Pack Early Access

Factorio Space Age
Factorio Space Age

On October 21st, the Space Age expansion pack for Factorio will go on sale, and it should cost $35.00.

Even though the game hasn’t been officially released, content regarding it is being uploaded by a variety of people. 

A non-disclosure agreement (NDA) granted access to the bundle more than a month ago to numerous mod developers and content producers.

In addition to giving mod makers more time to efficiently produce their mods, this attempts to market the game to the public. 

[SPACE AGE] Are we able to start from any planet or do we have same start on Nauvis and linear progression through planets?
byu/Master_baited_817 infactorio

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